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Tuesday 17 June 2008

It's a Lyric's thing...

Seems I have been tagged by Fiona Carson Photography...

I only tagged FIVE people too - not six like the last one says - oh well..

Here are the rules!
1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share 5 songs you are embarrassed to admit to others you like and tell why.
3. Tag 5 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
4. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Now I have added links to both the songs to listen and the lyrics to read cause I realise not all of my ashamed to love songs may be known by you.. So have a listen and tell me what you think??

Share 5 songs you are embarrassed to admit to others you like and tell why.

1. It's Too Late (Ride On) - Evermore.... I just like the piano and guitar riff - and I guess the lyrics too - haahaha... Oh god and apparently it was on the O.C. soundtrack - haahahaha..

2. Yellow - Coldplay (actually their whole first album - Parachutes) - It got me through a bad break up and every time I hear it now it reminds me of how much it helped me (even though I don't like Coldplay - and it isn't really a breakup song hahaha).. Actually you have to read the lyrics to really get it...

3. Swiss Army Romance - Dashboard Confessional.. Adding this song here made me realise I only know the MTV unplugged version... Do I dare listen to the original version in case it ruins this version for me? I mean come on it's an EMO band singing an EMO song.. I think what is even worse about me liking this "EMO" band is that they are an EMO band for the good kids.. Know what I mean.. They are clean cut EMO, no PUNK or pretend PUNK insight :( But damn it people read the lyrics...

4. Love Me or Hate Me - Lady Sovereign... Not the best hip hop artist out there but she's young and sassy and I like that.. Again this one is more about the lyrics so read them...

Ps - does anyone find if funny that who ever wrote the lyrics on that website censored shit but left fuck intact? Like fuck isn't a swear word - hahahaaha

5. Memories & Dust AND Middle of the Hill (I actually like the alternate video better) - Josh Pyke.. Ok I couldn't choose - maybe my 5th choice should have just been JOSH PYKE... I wouldn't tell MY friends about this because previously I have bagged him as boring and well I think that is what all my friends think too, Fona is the only one I know I could tell without any repercussions ;).. Then one day I actually read the lyrics to his songs - and guess what - they took on a whole new meaning to me.. Now I actually like his music - it's simplicity and innocence, maybe I am getting older - or turning into an Indie kid... Let's face it - he has a beautiful voice..

Memories & Dust Lyrics

Middle of the Hill lyrics

Now, the 2nd one:

The rules are:
- Link the person who tagged you
- Mention the rules on your blog
- Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
- Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them
- Leave a comment on each of the tagged bloggers blogs letting them know they have been tagged.

Ok, so 6 quirks of mine, here we go.

1. I LOVE recommending books to people - I am so passionate in getting them to read the books I love.... BUT I really am not good at reading books that are popular and recommended to me. For instance The Da Vinci Code - only read it this year (also only saw the movie this year too - within a week of each other hahhaah)

2. Following on from this one.. I LOVE finding new Authors to read, exploring new worlds genre's and so on.. BUT I am really reluctant to read something when I don't know the quality of toe writing - what if it is a waste of time (don't EVER read Sliver -
Ira Levin)

3. Most of my all time favourite movies I have only ever seen once.. At the cinema and never again. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon; Pan's Labyrinth are two I can think of... While I always go to watch them I just never quite manage too - who knows maybe I am scared it won't have the same effect on me or what have you..

4. I play with my piercings waaaaay too much. People must think I pick my nose all the time when in fact I am just turning around the ring.. My lip piercing too - I bite it (it's too long) from the back; I pull it from the front... I am weird

5. I love cooking but never have dinner parties. I think it might be cause my table is outside and well the lights don't work - we need an electrician around to fix the "transistor" I think it is.. I end up cooking mainly at my sister's (Fiona) house - wish they had my kitchen though...

6. I have a dream guy.... Every now and then I dream (always different dreams) about this guy. I always wake up aching from the loss of him. As far as I can remember this dream guy is no one I have ever met. I doubt he even exists... But what I love most about this dream guy is that he isn't Mr Perfect, in my dreams we have been broken up, he's been drunk (apparently in one dream I was a recovering alcoholic). He has been with other women (not while we were together but while we were at a wedding of a mutual friends together but platonic together) and blah blah blah.. Yet I have always loved him and he has always loved me too... I have NO idea when these started but I can remember having them for a long time. I had 3 dreams with him in them a few weeks ago in one night and I finally could remember what he looked like.. But I have forgotten - it's just a memory of a memory... Wow how weird has that made me sound...

Now five people...

Gen (myspace)
Kaz (myspace)
Kara (live journal)
Cam (blogger)
Cara (live journal)


Cassandra Doyle said...

dude you so could of done better than that with the songs - seriously are you telling me there isn't one 80's or 90's song that still makes you smile?????
Man I'm about to put a bonnie tyler song on there....
I think you whimped out :D

Mhor said...

But I'm not ashamed to admit I still like Bonnie Tyler - she's cool!! It's cool to like stupid 80's songs.. THESE ones not so much ;)