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Tuesday, 6 May 2008

A thought is forming...

Bare with me - my thought process if very very jumpy, and doesn't usually make sense...

I was reading the the other day. NY Times

Was reading a story about GetUp!. this political awareness group I belong to.

They have released a new version of this awesome song called "From Little Things, Big Things Grow..." it includes excepts from PM Kevin Rudd's Sorry Speech and also the excellent 1992 Redfern Speech by ex-PM Paul Keating. I was curious about how non Australian's would view this (click in NY Times if you want to read it yourself)..

Then I started then jumping around reading other news stories about Australia and came across an article about the E-3 Visa - apparently it was started in 2005 for Australians to work in US. Pretty much all that you need is a job offer from a US company and you can apply for the visa. There are 10,500 given away each year and they are valid for 2 years and are able to be renewed - with an indefinite amount of renewals - you just have to prove you don't wish to remain in the country for good..

So... I was then looking at what Biochemists are paid in the US and the median wage is about $36.69/hr or $76,300 per year.. NOW I am thinking I could most definitely live on that amount... I am on about $45,000 per year at the moment but that isn't with my degree though... Ok chances of me actually earning $36/hr first year out are slim but....

Next I started to think back to my friend Julie - we used to work together in Townsville. She works at Yale University and has a friend who she worked with who left and started their own pharmaceutical company. She told me she could get me a job with him if I wanted - I was never really interested in pharmaceuticals and knew it was virtually impossible to get a visa to work in the US that I never took it seriously..

NOW I am!!!!!

So..... I am thinking... I might look into seeing if this is possible..

I was planning on going to see my friend Julie around next May on my way to spending Summer in Europe - so maybe I should look into applying for some jobs before I leave.....

I have always wanted to live in New York for a little while - not forever - it would be like living in London my guess - fun if you know it is for only a certain period - depressing if you think it is for good...


oh and if you wish to see the video of the song From Little Things Big Things Grow here it is..


Cassandra Doyle said...

well i think it is a splendid idea!!!
of course... do it for a few years - but new york has better weather than London - and only 16hrs or so from Brisbane - much much better xxx

i say yes!!!!!!!!!!
p.s trust me - wouldnt take much to burn through 76,000 in new york.. oh the rent :(

Mhor said...

I know damn your looking at about $6000-12000 per MONTH for a 3 bed in Manhatten - look out Brooklyn here I come (1 bed in a share house and prob about $800-1000 per MONTH)

Laura said...


i would so totally come over.. any excuse i spose.. and i think you would have a hell of a time!! some fun for natty jane after all your hard work!